Welcome to Cammeraygal High School
NSW public schools have specific local enrolment areas. These areas are determined by the Department of Education. Students enrol in public schools based on their home address. Check you address on School Finder.
Applications for enrolment from out-of-area students will be considered when vacancies exist. Within the enrolment ceiling, a buffer will be maintained in each year group to accommodate local students arriving throughout the year. Places in the buffer will not be offered to non-local students.
Important Information Regarding Enrolments
The intake area arrangements for Cammeraygal High School have changed.
Changes were required to manage enrolment demand at Cammeraygal High School beyond the school’s capacity to suitably accommodate additional students.
The new arrangements apply for all new local enrolments for Cammeraygal High School for Years 7 to 12.
Mosman High School is now designated as a local high school for all students in the Cammeraygal High School intake area.
Due to high enrolment demand, Cammeraygal High School may not be able to accommodate new enrolments and may decline new applicants. These students will be accepted as local enrolments at Mosman High School.
Why are intake areas being changed?
At times it is necessary for the department to adjust a school’s local enrolment area. In this instance intake area changes are happening to manage enrolment demand, better balance enrolments and utilise classrooms and facilities across schools and to ensure students continue to have access to high-quality public education.
When will the change take place?
Intake area changes will come into full effect immediately (as soon as they are visible on the School Finder website) for all enrolments, including any new local student seeking enrolment in 2025.
I have a child already attending the school, can they stay there even if I am now subject to the new arrangements?
Yes, they can. There is no change for students already attending a school. They can complete their education at the school they are currently enrolled.
Will siblings have to attend a different school if not already enrolled?
If you live in the area that is changing and have a child, or children already enrolled at the school, that child can stay at the school. You may also be able to enrol other siblings in line with the department’s enrolment policy.
How were the new arrangements determined?
Intake areas are defined through the careful evaluation of local conditions including the permanent accommodation of the school, intake area student population, geographic location, travel distance and enrolment patterns, the expected impact of the change/s, and the long-term enrolment needs of a group of schools.
All changes have been carefully considered and balanced with the need to ensure all schools have an appropriate share of student enrolments, staff, and resources to support student learning.
I have already lodged my child’s enrolment application form for 2025. What do these changes mean for my child?
All pending enrolment applications for Cammeraygal High School will now be processed with consideration of the new arrangements and students will be redirected to enrol at Mosman High School.
My circumstances are challenging, and I think this school is best for my child. What should I do?
We understand that not everyone’s circumstances are the same, and that there are instances where exceptional and compelling circumstances will need to be considered. If this is the case, you should talk to the school principal. Exceptional circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis in line with the Department’s enrolment policy.
Enrolment policy
Stay informed with the department’s enrolment policy.
The Department will not have the capacity to respond to all individual comments, however, you can seek information through the relevant school communication portals.
Enrolment Information
Year 6 2024 into Year 7 2025
If your child is attending a NSW government primary school the application process begins with the primary school.
You will receive an email from Expression of Interest email for Year 7 2025 during Term 1 from their current government primary school explaining how to register your expression of interest online.
The primary school will forward all relevant applications to Cammeraygal High School.
Early in Term 2 we will send requests for further information to out of area applicants, with enrolment packages to in area applicants distributed mid Term 2. These will need to be completed and returned to the school, along with any relevant documentation, by the specified dates.
If your child is attending a non-government primary school, please contact Cammeraygal High School enrolments on 9954 7100 or email cammeraygal-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au to register your interest.
In area applicants will receive an enrolment package in early June. These will need to be completed and returned to Cammeraygal HS, along with supporting documentation, by the specified date.
Out of Area applicants will receive an information letter by mid Term 2. All out of area applications are assessed by a panel which will consider and make recommendations on all non-local enrolment applications.
Your application will be reviewed by the placement panel taking into account the following selection criteria (not listed in a priority order):
- primary school performance reflecting the school's values related to:
- learning focus; and
- achievement
- student welfare or compassionate circumstances including:
- proximity and access to the school;
- siblings already enrolled at the school;
- medical reasons; and / or
- safety and supervision of the student before and after school;
- extra-curricular interests and abilities; and
- the structure and organisation of the school.
Your application will be reviewed and processed as a matter of priority with equal weighting being given to each of the criteria. To assist in this process you will be asked to supply a cover letter addressing the criteria listed above; including special achievements (such as awards, ICAS results) and extracurricular activities; as well as copies of Year 5 NAPLAN results, most recent school report and any relevant documentation supporting welfare or compassionate circumstances,
Year 7 first round offers are made in June. Parents / Caregivers who have returned requested information as per above will be placed on a wait list. The size of the wait list will reflect realistic expectations of potential vacancies and no wait list will be maintained if there is not a realistic potential for vacancies. The wait list will remain current until the end of the year.
All current 7-12
Please apply via the online portal. Cammeraygal High schools' enrolments officer will contact you and request student’s reports and other revelant documents including 100 point proof of address. All students with their parents will be interviewed to assess appropriate class placement and subject selection. Selection of electives will be subject to availability.
Any student who is not an Australian or New Zealand citizen must have an appropriate residency visa, or approval to enrol in accordance with the conditions set down by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. See Temporary visas and international students for further information.
Any student welfare, learning support or health issues (eg anaphylaxis, diabetes) must be addressed at the time of enrolment. The Principal for all applicants will send a Request for Information form to the student’s previous school to check on any history of violent behaviour or learning support needs. The Principal will contact non-government schools directly to check on any such history. If the previous school is in another State, the appropriate forms will be sent and must be returned before enrolment can be finalised. If necessary, a Risk Management Plan will be prepared and discussed at the first available staff meeting, before enrolment is finalised.
All forms must be returned to the School Administration Office and data entered before a timetable can be generated. In general, the enrolment process will require 2-3 days for completion (dependent on prompt return of information by previous schools).
Temporary visas and international students
For further information regarding visa eligibility and forms to complete, visit the Temporary Residents Program.
DE International is responsible for the enrolment of International Students in NSW government schools.
CRICOS provider name: NSW Department of Education
CRICOS number: 00588M
Our school can help with enrolment queries throughout the year.
Local enrolment area
Check your address on School Finder to see if it is within our local intake area. Most schools have designated local enrolment areas. Note: local enrolment areas are subject to change.
How to enrol
If you live in our intake area and would like to apply to enrol at our school, start by submitting an online enrolment application. Online enrolment is currently only available for Australian or New Zealand citizens and permanent residents.
If you are not able to apply online or you prefer not to, download the paper application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form. Please complete the form in English. A translated application to enrol may help you do this.
Online enrolment can also be used for out-of-area enrolment. Please note that out-of-area enrolment procedures are subject to the department’s enrolment policy.
Enrolment applications are finalised at the school.
For more information, visit secondary school enrolment.
For more information, visit:
How to enrol - Year 6 into Year 7
In NSW government schools, applying to move from primary school to high school is a 2-step process that starts with an Expression of Interest. Visit the moving to high school page to learn more about the process.
- If you have received an offer from our school for placement into Year 7 next year, the next step is to visit online enrolment to proceed with the offer and complete the enrolment application.
- If you did not submit an expression of interest or are not eligible, visit online enrolment to start a new application to our school.
- If you submitted your expression of interest using a paper form, or would prefer not to enrol online, use the application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form.
Moving to high school
Visit the moving to high school page to find out more about the transition of year 6 students into year 7.
Temporary visas and international students
The Temporary Residents Program has information about eligibility and the forms to complete an application.
Distance education
Distance education is an equity program for students who are geographically isolated or whose individual circumstances prevent them from regularly attending school. Students must meet one of the conditions in the Distance Education Enrolment Procedures to be eligible to access this program as a full-time student.
For more information about educational opportunities in rural areas, visit Rural and distance education.
Moving overseas
Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT?
Email document.authentication@det.nsw.edu.au to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.