Cammeraygal High School

Empowered To Achieve

High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE)

High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE) and Enrichment at Cammeraygal 

Cammeraygal High School endeavours to support all students and cater to diverse learning needs. We have a range of programs and initiatives that are aimed to enrich and challenge high potential and gifted students (HPG). The guiding principles of the new High Potential and Gifted Education Policy, as found on the Department of Education’s website, stress the following:

  • All students, regardless of background or personal circumstances, require access to learning programs that meet their learning needs and support to aspire to, and achieve, personal excellence.
  • Our commitment to high expectations for all students includes high potential and gifted students.
  • Achieving excellence for high potential and gifted students is underpinned by effective school environments including quality teaching, learning and leadership.
  • Potential exists along a continuum, where differing degrees of potential require differing approaches and levels of adjustment and intervention.

The Policy draws from Francoys Gagne’s definition of giftedness and talent in the Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent DMGT 2.0 (2009). The definition of high potential students across intellectual, creative, social-emotional and physical domains expands the group of targeted students of earlier policies.

Domains of potential

The domains of potential describe the four broad categories of natural abilities found in Françoys Gagné's adapted model of Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent DMGT 2.0 (2009). These definitions apply to all students, including high potential and gifted students.

The domains of potential may not be mutually exclusive and are highly influenced by one another.

  • Intellectual domain – refers to natural abilities in processing, understanding, reasoning, and the transfer of learning.

  • Creative domain – refers to natural abilities in imagination, invention and originality.

  • Social-emotional – refers to natural abilities in self-management and relating to and interacting with others.

  • Physical domain – refers to natural abilities in muscular movement and motor control.

Potential exists along a continuum, where differing degrees of potential require differing approaches and levels of adjustment and intervention.

At CHS, assessment data, teacher observation as well as primary school referrals are all considered when identifying HPG students from all four domains. Once identified, parents are contacted and the interviewing process of commences. These valuable interactions allow the HPGE coordinators to develop personalised learning plans which assist teachers when planning and delivering lessons to ensure appropriate pedagogical challenges are implemented. These plans are reviewed mid-year and then updated again at the start of each school year.  As well as this, our HPGE coordinators are responsible for facilitating a range of programs aimed to optimise the development of HPG students across all domains. We also have accelerated HSC courses that we have run successfully every year since 2020. Cammeraygal aims to provide enrichment opportunities for all students, regardless of HPG identification. Details about programs and initiatives can be found below. 

HPGE Coordinators

Middle School Campus - Ms. S Shorter 

The Middle School Campus offers a range of enrichment opportunities that are offered to all 7-9 students. Some of these include chess club, debating, and robotics. Students who have been identified as HPG can participate in the array of activities and are also invited to join a specially designed program. 

The Year 7 HPGE students work on two different projects throughout the year.The first project, Future Now, allows them to consider innovative ways to build a sustainable future. Students are encouraged to evaluate existing ideas and develop their own solutions which they share in a display for the school community. In the second semester, students focus on ancient civilizations in the Ancient Escapades Program. They are challenged with the task to design their own interactive exhibit to educate and inspire local primary school students.

During Year 8, students continue to develop their research, evaluative and creative thinking skills in the Down Under Discovery Program and the Vision Project. These projects allow students to explore Australian individuals and others from around the world and across a multitude of fields. Similarly to the Year 7 programs, the HPGE students are given the opportunity to lead a project and showcase their ideas to members of the school and wider community.

Many of our Year 9 HPGE students take on leadership roles and help support our Year 7 students transition into high school. They are also offered opportunities to participate in programs offered by the Department of Education to solve problems within our communities. Our Year 9 students are invited to participate in our peer teaching program which explores issues centred around human rights in Australia and around the world. 

Senior Campus - Ms. D Cavric

The Senior School Campus continues to identify students, review students’ goals, and update individual plans to support their academic and personal growth.

With fortnightly meetings, Year 10 will create a collaborative think tank that will explore the four key domains of the HPGE program. These sessions will provide a space for students to engage in critical thinking, problem-solving, and enrichment activities tailored to their strengths and interests.

Additionally, we are developing a specific program for Year 10 this year, designed to further challenge and extend our HPG students. Cammeraygal looks forward to sharing more details as this initiative progresses.


The Accelerated program allows a group of HPG students to attempt a Stage 6 course in Year 10 and Year 11, completing the HSC course whilst they are in Year 11. We have successfully run accelerated courses since 2020. In the past we have run Society and Culture, Aboriginal Studies and, in 2025, we have offered Business Studies for the first time. 


Enrichment programs range from extension opportunities to extracurricular activities that build on new skills and encourage interpersonal connections, across all HPGE domains. Please see below the different programs and initiatives available for all students at Cammeraygal High School, or visit the Extracurricular activities page for more information.