Cammeraygal High School

Empowered To Achieve

Power Hour

Power Hour

Power Hour is a structured study routine promoted by Cammeraygal High School to help students develop independence, organisation, and strong study habits. By dedicating one focused hour each day to schoolwork, students stay on top of homework, manage their time effectively, and build lifelong learning skills.

Step 1: When You Get Home

  • Plug in your laptop and place it in a common area (e.g., dining table).
  • Open Google Classroom & Sentral Timetable.
  • Enjoy some free time!

Step 2: Get Ready for Power Hour

  • Set an alarm 5 minutes before Power Hour (e.g., 5:55 pm for a 6:00 pm start)
  • Use this time to:
    - Go to the toilet.
    - Grab water and a healthy snack (nuts, fruit, energy bar).
  • When your second alarm goes off—time to start!

Step 3: Power Hour Routine

Check Your Timetable

  • Start with Period 1 and check Google Classroom for homework.
  • No homework? Move to Period 2 and repeat until Period 5.

What if You Finish Early?
Stay for the full hour and:

  • Read a book.
  • Revise notes or prep for an assessment.
  • Work on a personal project (drawing, designing, building).
  • Do SOMETHING educational!

Tip: Treat this hour like a class—stay focused!

This routine encourages students to take ownership of their learning by creating a consistent study habit. Even when there is no homework, Power Hour provides an opportunity to revise, read, or work on personal projects in a productive environment. Treating this hour like a class helps improve focus, problem-solving, and academic confidence.

By making Power Hour part of your daily routine, you set yourself up for success, ensuring you stay prepared, organised, and in control of your learning.

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