Cammeraygal High School

Empowered To Achieve


The Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) is an integral part of the Cammeraygal High School community. It aims to promote the school’s interests by fostering cooperation between parents, community members, students, and teaching staff. 

Currently we are looking for people to take up roles on our Social/Events, Creative and Performing Arts and Enviroment committees. Please feel free to get in touch if these are areas that interest you. 

Meetings: We encourage parents and carers to come to our meetings. Meetings are run by the P&C body, and the Principal is present for each meeting to help facilitate decision-making and to deliver the Principal’s Report. We welcome your input which will help make the school community richer over time. 

When: The P&C meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6pm during school terms. Meetings will be carried over to the following term if they fall during school holidays. 

Where: Meetings are held over Zoom. Register for a free Zoom account here.

Membership: To become a voting member of Cammeraygal High School’s P&C, please complete the online membership form and pay the $1 annual membership fee. If you are interested in volunteering for any of our events, committees, or programs, please register here.

P&C Executive

President: Evan Oppen
Treasurer: Jenny Riseborough 
Assistant Treasurer: Yen Sharrat
Fiona Bradshaw


Communication Committee

Administrator: Joanne Schofield

Our role is to aid the flow of information between the P&C and the community.  


Environment and Community Committee

Administrator: Alice Bennett and Prue Robertson

Our role is to facilitate discussions on initiatives which improve the school’s environment and support student-led sustainability projects.  


Social and Fundraising Committee

Administrator: Lina Khafagy

Our role is to organise fun and engaging activities for the Parent and Carer community.  


Sport Committee

Administrator: Bryony Feltham 

Our role is to run the Cammeraygal High School extracurricular sports program, which is an additional program to school sport and is offered after school hours.  


Uniform Committee

Administrator: Tomoko Nordling

Our role is to build up a stock of second-hand uniforms so they can be made available to students and families.  


Wellbeing Committee

Our role is to collaborate with the school to provide wellbeing initiatives and support families in raising resilient and responsible young people.  


Creative and Performing Arts Committee

Administrator: Heather Hopwood

Our role is to collaborate with the school music, art, and drama staff and support the school’s extracurricular CAPA programs.  


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